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Think you need a new laptop?

Think you need a new laptop?

Think you need a new laptop? You may just need a new battery!

At Laptop Plus, we've had many customers contacting us with laptops they believe are on their last legs and need to be replaced. However, more often than not, these laptops simply need a new battery, and there's no need to buy a new laptop. Modern laptops are marvels of engineering: thin, light, and portable, making them perfect for our on-the-go lifestyles. However, the trade-off for this sleek design is that the battery is often tucked away inside, out of sight and out of mind. Today’s laptops are designed with powerful internal batteries that keep them running efficiently for hours, but like all rechargeable batteries, they have a limited lifespan. The average lithium-ion battery lasts about 300-500 charge cycles, roughly 1.5 to 2.5 years of regular use. As these batteries age, their ability to hold a charge diminishes, leading to shorter battery life and more frequent charging. When this happens, it’s easy to think your laptop is dying when, in reality, it’s just the battery that needs replacing.


The misconception of manufacturer branded batteries

You might be tempted to buy a manufacturer-branded replacement battery, believing it to be more reliable. This is a common misconception. In fact, third-party replacement batteries are just as reliable as the branded ones, if not more (provided it was purchased from a reputable company). The cells inside third-party batteries are often of equal in quality compared to official batteries.


Manufacturers select batteries based on cost, so if you bought a budget laptop, it’s likely the original battery was a cost-saving measure. Often, manufacturers and third-party suppliers use the same internal components, differing only in branding and price.


Debunking the myths: Third-party vs. manufacturer batteries

Let's address some common concerns about third-party batteries:

  1. Longevity: All lithium-ion batteries have limited lifespans. Dell, a reputable brand, states on their website that their batteries lose performance after about 18 months. This is true for all lithium-ion batteries, regardless of the brand.
  2. Safety: Quality third-party batteries adhere to the same safety standards as manufacturer batteries. The key is to purchase from reputable suppliers.
  3. Warranty: Many third-party batteries come with warranties similar to those offered by manufacturers. Always check for a warranty when purchasing a replacement battery.


Tips for choosing a replacement battery

When it’s time to replace your laptop battery, consider these tips to ensure you get a high-quality product:

  • Buy Australian: Ensure your supplier is an Australian retailer. Many overseas websites offer cheap batteries but provide no support or warranty. Look for a retailer with a physical presence in Australia, a returns policy, and a contact phone number.
  • Check the warranty: Reputable suppliers will offer at least a 12-month warranty on their batteries. This gives you peace of mind that you can get help if something goes wrong.
  • Look after your battery: Proper care can extend the life of your new battery. Avoid keeping your laptop plugged in constantly and keep it clean and dust-free (Read our “Battery Tips”).
  • Verify compatibility: Make sure the replacement battery matches your laptop’s specifications in terms of type (usually Li-Ion), voltage, and amperage.
  • Don’t go too cheap: Extremely cheap batteries may use lower-grade cells that won’t last as long. It’s worth paying a bit more for a reliable battery from a reputable supplier.


Find the perfect replacement at Laptop Plus

At Laptop Plus, we make it easy to find the perfect replacement battery for your laptop. Use our search wizard to locate a battery or charger that suits your needs, all backed by our comprehensive 12-month warranty. Don’t let a dying battery trick you into buying a new laptop. A simple battery replacement can breathe new life into your device, saving you money and keeping your trusted laptop running smoothly.


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